Zunami’s Global Ambassador Program Continues!

Zunami Protocol
5 min readJan 18, 2022

Phase 2 is Now Live!

Dear community! We have accumulated a significant number of applications during the initial phase of the Global Ambassador Program. The Zunami team thanks you for your efforts to raise awareness of our platform around the world!

Given the high popularity of our program, which began even before the launch of the protocol, we decided to open a new chapter in the development of the Zunami protocol and continue the Global Ambassador program so that more people can become part of our global and diverse community. We have added new activities, changed previous ones, and are happy to give you more time to gain PTS!

Create content, share your feedback, spread the word about our project — and get rewarded. In this short article, we’ve outlined the main points that future supporters should keep in mind.


We remind you that the Zunami Protocol Ambassador Program has three main goals:

  • Raising awareness on Zunami Protocol and ZUN token globally
  • Building an active and large Zunami community in social networks
  • Creating and rewarding the close-knit club of Zunami adopters.

Once again, by becoming a Zunami Ambassador, you can contribute to the Zunami’s vision, share it, and assist the project in developing awareness and engagement, thus helping write the next chapter of the Zunami story. In the future, the top Ambassadors who proved themselves worthy supporters will be closely connected with the Zunami team and all other Ambassadors from all around the globe.

Who is our ideal Ambassador? If you have some of the qualities mentioned below — step in right now!

  • DeFi degen
  • Meme lord
  • Long-term oriented token investor
  • Self-motivated & enthusiastic to help
  • Respectful to other cultures and views
  • Always online (even when you sleep)
  • Educates the world about Zunami
  • Regularly shares Zunami content on all social networks
  • Writes comments, reviews, blogs, makes videos, etc.
  • Translates content to help build international awareness.

How to Start

Hey new Sharky! Starting is easy — please fill in your details to the Gleam form to begin:


Please note that the team staff will update this form without previous warning. More details about the program will be published later.

Tasks to complete

We present an updated list of tasks and activities to complete so you can help promote the Zunami protocol in the DeFi space and beyond.

#1) Subscribe to all Zunami social channels (Twitter, Telegram, Discord, Youtube, Instagram, Medium, Reddit). This activity is rewarded by 100 PTS.

#2) Find and show us your Zu! Search for a shark in your city, take a picture and mark it with the Zunami logo. This can be either a picture, a toy in a store, or a live one (hopefully not). Post it on Twitter, then to Discord. This activity is rewarded up to 500 PTS and the contest is held on a weekly basis. The community votes for the best work, and we choose it by the number of reactions.

#3) Create memes about Zunami and Sharky (post on Twitter and Discord). Mem of the week is rewarded up to 500 PTS. This contest is held on a weekly basis. The community votes for the best work, and we choose it by the number of reactions.

#4) Create artworks for socials. Post them on your social networks and Discord. This activity is rewarded up to 500 PTS and the contest is held on a weekly basis. The community votes for the best work, and we choose the best one by the number of reactions.

#5) Invite Referrals to Discord. Each one brings you 10 PTS, but no more than 2500 PTS summarized. Please note! You can gain extra 750 PTS for the maximum number of referrals on the server.

#6) Write a review/article (no less than 250–300 words). Use English only, post your work on Reddit/Subsocial. The content must be original (not copy/pasted from Zunami website/socials/previous publications). This activity is rewarded up to 1000 PTS.

#7) The best discussion/comment on Reddit in separate threads on a topic relevant to the project. Tell us about your DeFi-experience: farming, types of stablecoins, insurance products, etc. This activity is rewarded up to 1000 PTS.

#8) Tell the world about Zunami and Sharky in Youtube or TikTok video (no shorter than 60 sec). The reward for this activity is up to 3000 PTS. The maximum reward will be obtained by the video creators with the most engagement.

…And don’t forget to add hashtags!

#Zunami #ZUN #Ambassador #stablecoin #fintech #crypto #stablecoin #DeFi.


A title of the video must contain the word “Zunami Protocol”;

There must be at least one comment and one view under the video. Comments and views can be yours;

Share this video on your social media. It would be cool if you share it on Twitter as well.

#9) Come up with the best promotion offer for Zunami Protocol. Share ideas on how to attract users. This activity is rewarded up to 1000 PTS and the contest is held on a weekly basis.

#10) Best suggestion for product improvement. This activity is rewarded up to 1000 PTS and the contest is held on a weekly basis.

Bonus task. Open and promote a Zunami community in your country/region. Fill out this form in advance and contact the team before starting activities. The list of countries is restricted. This activity is rewarded up to 1500 PTS.

To track our user’s activity, we continue to update the Leaderboard that shows your position in the world of Zunami supporters.

  • We have also added points for the last flash challenge to the Leaderboard, which lasted until 01/16/22.
  • Please note that the team staff will update the Leaderboard without previous warning.

The initiative starts on January 18th, 2022. Taking into account the popularity of the first phase, we didn’t set an End date in advance. Don’t miss out on helping develop our cutting-edge solution and receive motivating prizes join our Zu cause now!

If you liked this article and feel excited about the next step of our program give us some claps!

