Introducing New Role: Zunami’s OG

Zunami Protocol
2 min readJan 26, 2022


Time to level up dawg!

Dear frens, sharkies and DeFi degens! We enter 2022 with great expectations and a bunch of new badges for our growing community.

Today, we bring you a new role — the OG ! Since we first opened the doors to Zunami Protocol last year, we had some amazing community contributors, so the team wants to say thank them u and shine a light on our OGs.

OG is a slang term for someone who’s incredibly exceptional, authentic, or “old-school.” It can be earnestly used for a legend like Michael Jackson or more ironically, like for that friend who can unwrap a Starburst with their mouth.

From now on, every week a member of our community will be nominated as an OG for their contribution to the Zunami Protocol community, as well as for helping to raise awareness and completing other beneficial activities.

And today we congratulate our first Zunami OGs!

Anton Kirenkin#2048



And of course, DeFiman#8053— the king of invites and OGs!

Thank you for bringing more people onboard!

What OGs get:

  • New cool shiny OG badge on Discord
  • Massive respect!
  • Access to a special Zunami insider group in the future.

How do you become an OG?

There are several criteria and it’s up to the administration to assign or revoke the role:

1. Be a member of the Zunami community for a month at least. Boost the server if you have the capacity so that we can stand out even more in DeFi space.

2. Bring your frens into the Zunami crew: invite new people into our community (a minimum threshold of 30 people is a must). If you invite the maximum amount of people on the server, you’ll get a shiny bonus!

3. Act like a true OG. Tweet about us: tweet far, tweet often, and tweet well. Help out on Discord and Telegram when people need a bit of guidance;

That’s it for today! We hope you’d enjoy a new role and help us build a stronger community. Expect more roles coming next!

If you liked this article and feel excited about the next step of our program give us some claps!

